Political issues, personal reflexions and other things from a spanish teacher
Carlos Jose Navas's Articles In International
March 17, 2004 by Carlos Jose Navas
Some conclusions I get after my country's( for how long it will be a whole country?) general elections: 1. Terrorists can alter the results of an election. It's just a matter of how many people the kill and the proper media aid. 2. The more people they kill, the urged the people feels to seek "dialogue" with the killers instead on fighting them. 3. Only three things gets together all the nacionalism and left-wing people in Spain: their hate to America, their hate to the Catholic church and ...
March 17, 2004 by Carlos Jose Navas
As promised, here are my thoughts on why Aznar stand side by side with Bush on his whole anti-terrorism war, ending with his support (but not active support, with spanish troops) on Irak war. It's not an original one, some of theseremarks has been published on spanish books or newspapers and spoken on radio-stations, but I'l try to get all the together. The fist fact to take into account is terrorism. Aznar was a firm defessor of the idea (although it goverment was involved in arguments...
March 18, 2004 by Carlos Jose Navas
It's a minor issue after everything that has happened in the last week at Spain, I know. But I can't take it from my mind. I think the first time I herd the reasoning was stated by Arnaldo Otegui, ETA's political arm speaker, when one of the arguments he stand against an involvement of ETA in the bombs was that "the victims were innocent. They were workers". On the manifestations around Spain against terrorists acts that happend on friday afternoon, several people chanted and showed the sa...